Documentary film, 1980 – 28 minutes 16 mm, black/white
Original version: Swiss dialect with French subtitles (without English subtitles)
Sale : JURA-FILMS “Contact”
Director Lucienne Lanaz
Scriptwriter Cécile Wick
Protagonists Cécile Wick, Hans Etter, Dr.Peter Frei, Max Isler, Regula Scherrer, Dr.A.Warelas
Caméra Hans-Toni Aschwanden
Son Marc Champod, Klaus Gottschall
Technician Max Isler
Mixing Laurent Barbey
Editing René Matinet
Music M.Sardou / J.Revaud
This film deals with the difficulties encountered by responsible mature young men and women who are not married and have no children, yet decide to get sterilized.
For Max, as a man, it is easier although he also has to defend his viewpoint within his circle of friends and his environment.
Cecile is 24 years old and the decision to undergo surgery for sterilization turns into a fierce fight. She tries in vain to defend her opinion and convince her immediate surroundings and society that her decision is mature and well thought over. Finally an understanding surgeon performs the operation abroad.