Documentary film, 1989 – 23 minutes – 16 mm, colour
Original version: Swiss dialect with French subtitles (without English subtitles)
Sale : JURA-FILMS “Contact”
Scriptwriter and director Lucienne Lanaz
Camera Hans-Toni Aschwanden
Sound Ingrid Städeli, Peter Pfister
Lighting 29. Verleih AG.
Editing Franziska Wirz
Photos François Hirschi
Collaborators of the bell-foundry Rüetschi SA., Aarau:
Dr. Peter Amsler, Pietro Di Giusto, Akay Ramazan,Werner Schaffner, Gerhad Spielmann.
The film shows dearly and in a dynamic way how a church bell is made. The craftsmen give us interesting details about their fascinating trade. Every important process is shown and explained: the selection of the bell’s shape and size, the making of the mould, the casting, the excavation, the finish, the transport and the installation in the belfry.